"Research Activities"
Our research is centered around exploring the intricate realm of geometrically frustrated magnetic systems and delving into the unique properties arising from low dimensionality in condensed matter physics. In our fundamental investigations, we employ advanced techniques to characterize and understand the magnetic interactions within geometrically frustrated systems. This involves the exploration of unconventional magnetic ground states, exotic excitations, and emergent phenomena that manifest in reduced dimensions. Apart from our experimental analysis we also utilize theoretical frameworks such as DFT electronic structure calculations to unravel the complex interplay of spins and lattice structures, shedding light on the fundamental principles governing these intriguing magnetic systems. Building on this foundational understanding, our applied research endeavors focus on harnessing the distinctive properties of geometrically frustrated magnetic materials for technological innovations. We strive to design novel materials and optimize their magnetic functionalities for potential applications in information storage, quantum computing, and spintronics. The research is driven by a combination of cutting-edge experimental techniques, such as neutron scattering and nuclear magnetic resonance, specific heat, and sophisticated theoretical models to elucidate the underlying physics. Through meticulous experimentation, data analysis, and theoretical insights, we aim to unlock the full potential of geometrically frustrated magnetic systems in shaping the future landscape of condensed matter physics and technological advancements.
"Techniques: Synthesis of Materials"
Hydrothermal Synthesis (High Pressure )
Vaccuum Sealing Station (Inert Atmosphere)
High Temperature Muffel Furnace (1200 C)